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Structural pipes are used with various types of steel structural components. They meet the requirements for any other structural components, i.e. bars, shapes or plates. Classification of those pipes is based on their outside diameters and wall thicknesses. Low demand on structural pipes causes unification of those pipes with the transportation pipes of large outside diameters resulting in lower production costs. Special requirements may be specified dependent on the end use of structural pipes.

We offer the following types of pipes (grades are exemplary):

1. Hot rolled welded round closed pipes made of structural unalloyed steels PN-EN 10210-1 and PN-EN 10210-2:

Unalloyed steels: S235JRH, S275JOH, S275J2H, S355JOH and S355J2H

Fine-grained steels: S275NH, S275NLH, S355NH, S355NLH, S460NH, S460NLH

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