They are used to absorb thermal expansions and dampen vibrations in the system. Since the corrugation sheet is rolled up on the flange, the flanges are rotated to meet the bolts and they are easily rotated. Shim in floating flanged expansion joint; it allows the flow to be laminar as well as increase the working speed of the bellows.
The key types of flanges are the welding neck, long welding neck, slip-on, socket weld, lap joint, threaded and blind flanges. In addition to these standard flanges, some special ones exist, called Weldoflange/Nipoflange and Elboflange, swivelflange, expander/reducer flange, and orifice flanges
Usage Area:
Machines, Pumps, Motors, Gas Lines, Steam Lines, Compressed Air Lines, Exhaust Applications, Hot and Cold Water Systems, Superheated Water Systems, Hot Steam Systems, Hot Oil Systems